>Happy TURKEY Day!!!!

>My Mission: To find some turkey this weekend in Winnipeg, Manitoba…

Well it’s Thanksgiving Weekend… seeing as I live here alone in Manitoba and did not travel back to Ontario, more specifically Haliburton where my family gathered for their turkey… I decided I should go out to find me some TURKEY all on my own!!!

While driving the other day in Birds Hill Park… I happened to spot THIS… I did take the time to ask the age old question… “why did the turkey cross the road?” to this turkey…but apparently he didn’t have time to answer! And I still don’t have an answer other than, “to get to the other side of the road..”

 My 1st attempt at getting a turkey was to try to integrate and ‘hide’ myself amongst the turkey’s…hoping that they would see me as one of their own… so then I could catch one more easily.. But I don’t think I was very successful at my camouflage! As much of a turkey I might actually be…. the real deal didn’t see it that way!

Photo by Ryan Bealer 

2nd attempt: Make noises, and hold some ‘grasses’ in my hand…. to see if I can draw them closer!? Again… not so successful…

Photo by Ryan Bealer 

 3rd Attempt: While Ryan was taking other shots of me in the woods… all of a sudden the turkeys came RUSHING into the woods… (not sure why… because nothing was happening ie) no loud noises, etc)… but I slowly snuck up on these little guys… and was so close… but then I realized… “what am I going to do once I catch it? I’m so not a neck-snapping, plucking feathers kind of gal…” Secretly I’m glad that I didn’t actually catch one.. because that seems like a messy business!!!

Photo by Ryan Bealer
I wish all my Canadian friends and family… a happy thanksgiving weekend.. and may you enjoy your turkey, dead or alive!! 😉
Luckily when the next day at work, Conni one of my co-workers came and asked me to come to her house for Thanksgiving with her family! 
So I suppose I did find my turkey, here in Winnipeg and I didn’t even have to kill it myself!!! I’ll keep you posted on more stories from my first Thanksgiving here in Manitoba! 
…to be continued…

About SarahontheRoad

This blog is a spot to record my adventures in life while living where ever I may be!

Posted on October 10, 2010, in holidays, turkey. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. >Too funny! Happy Thanks Giving Sarah! XOX France

  2. >Did you hear that your mom told Gramma that Jamie & I were getting a live turkey? To which Gramma responded, "Does Jamie know what to do with it?" Of course your mom really meant that we were getting a fresh bird. LOL

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